Sunday, 30 November 2014

You are All

For you with parched tongues on the road to make good better than best, here is a canister of water for your journey.
I am strong.
I don’t say this to convince myself that I am, neither am I telling myself that I will be in the future.
I am strong - this is a given.
I am who I am because He loves me, because He raises me up and places me on His mighty shoulder every time I get lost and go astray, because He searches for me and blesses me with His beatific dimpled smile when I hide myself in the dark, because no matter how hard I tug, He never lets go of me, because He loves me.
I am awesome.
I am not sorry if this sounds arrogant; sometimes the truth need be told with pride.
I don’t need anyone to tell me I am beautiful, amazing, unique. A voice more true, more awe-inspiring, more intense and terrible than the voices of they who surround me vivifies me with this knowledge at every second of my life.
Sometimes I shut my senses to this reality, sometimes I allow myself to believe that I am less than I am, to actually be less than He has made me. But He doesn’t allow me to wallow in this self-indulgent stupidity for long. When I shut my ears, hold my breath and grit my teeth, He sends me the sunrise and starlit nights to remind me that He who made all this beauty made me; thus I am no mistake. When I close my eyes and detach myself from my skin, He sings me songs through those He has blessed that burn my heart and fill my eyes. No matter where I am, He is there, every moment telling me that because He made me, I am everything.
I am not perfect.
I may tell myself I am, but I am not; so when I do, a part of me stops trying to be perfect and gets lazy. But I cannot afford such complacence. I cannot take it for granted that He has made me strong, awesome, amazing, blessed. I have to keep working so that more than staying this way, I become even better, more beautiful than I was in the last second. He has everything so this is the only way I can thank Him for all He has made me.
I am not perfect, and because I know this, I can forgive myself every time I fall and feel His eyes dim. But I will keep on travelling this road to perfection because it is my trying that makes me perfect before His eyes. I will fall because I am human, but I will rise because my Maker is divine and He lives and burns within me.
I have everything I need to be everything I want to be. Thus I will hold unto His hand so that when I stray, whether I am kicking and screaming or patiently accepting, He will raise me upon His shoulder to more than I let myself be.


Friday, 14 November 2014

Your Dimpled Smile…

    I feel it when the sun crawls in
    It flirts my lashes to life
    I read it in Your words
    Stirring my soul to growth
    I see it in the frame on the wall
    The heart the artists paint
    I hold it in my sister’s palm
    And in my father’s warm hug.
    I hear it in the patter
    The marauding rat’s tiny feet
    I dance it with your blessed
    In the fluidity we all crave
    I burn with it in voices
    Sonorous with your beauty

                                                           I mourn it in the tears
And scabs of the child beggar
I touch it in the pages
Of all books, new and old
I tease it in the eyes
Of the bold interested one
I rejoice it in the laugh
Of the burdened tickled man
I breathe it in the dust
The smoke, odour and perfume
I taste it in my buds
Alive in culinary splendour
I ponder it in mishaps
The inevitable human in beings
I always see, touch, taste, smell
I always feel Your dimpled smile
The beauty You are Lord, blesses me
From unworthy existence to incandescent life.


Said one full mouth to the other:
“It’s terrible how the poor suffer
How they break and they toil
No bread their hunger to buffer.”

Wailed the other to the one:
“Do you see how young girls get raped
And pregnant to their houses
They return with shame?”

Cried one to the other:
“And the boys now so lazy
Connecting with their ‘big-boyhood’
And getting down with women sexy!”

Observed the other to the one:
“The old men don’t get their pensions
After all their years of camelling
Their tables have no rations!”

Moaned the one to the other:
“Women now sell their bodies
Under the guise of dating
Their disgrace earns them jewelry.”

Complained the other to the one:
“The government has core no more
Chop chop and clean mouth
That’s the flag they’ll die for.”

Exclaimed one to the other:
“Religion is now a business
Turning in profit for profit
Thus they sell their graces!”

Grunted the other to the one:
“There is no more culture
Out of date and place
Now ‘civilization’ we nurture.”

Rejoiced the full mouths to each other:
“Let us toast to our fullness
Let the world fall about our ears
At least, we have life’s goodness!”