My dear,
See the thing about most Nigerian music? They are
like a virus. They sneak into your subconscious and infect you with grooving
vibes while chomping away slowly on your brain. That’s just my opinion.
In case you
are not a Nigerian musician and you think that this isn’t for you, you are
wrong. You’ll soon find out why.
I have tried.
I promise you I have tried to be kind. After all, we can admit honestly that
the Nigerian music industry has seen great progress in the past few years. Many
of our music videos have managed to accomplish what most of Nollywood still
struggles with. Great picture quality and angles, wonderful graphic imagery, clear
sound, etc. So yes, indeed, we have come some way.
Bet why? Why, dear Nigerian musicians have you chosen to punish your people like this? Have we offended you in any way? Did we kill your mother or make your father withhold pocket money from you in school? Did we straf your girlfriend/steal your boyfriend and parade their underwear all over the neighbourhood? Did we wet your bed then set you up by laying new bed sheet and sweeping the room? Ogini kanyi mere gi bikonu, that you have chosen to punish us like this? Why?
Terry G, oh
thee Founder of the Weed, Groovy Beats and Terrible Lyrics Church, we remember
you and how you tested the microphone. I really wish you hadn’t. Because you
didn’t tell them the truth. You didn’t tell these people that you were just the
sound technician ‘Testing microphone 1, 2’. The real speakers were coming,
people who had something to say, people who knew that their audience was made
up of intelligent people who came to listen to them speak because iron sharpens
iron, people who were trying to grow by edifying those around them. Now that
all these randoms know the microphone is working, they have decided that it is open
mic/karaoke season, and they can get inspiration from anything, from the
peculiar sound of a person’s fart to pants hanging outside. What positive value
can a bombom bigger than Bombay add to anyone’s life, bikonu? Guys, try not to think what I know you are already thinking...
A friend of
mine introduced me to Hip Tv’s Lyrics 2 Go. I recommend that show to every
Nigerian. I personally get amazed and awed by the creativity of these people.
It takes talent to be able to create such beautiful nonsense. Like baby poop
for instance. There are times I stare in wonder at it and think, ‘Wow! That piling
is so artistic! It should be put into a cone and sold as chocolate!’

Many do not
understand the power music holds. They do not get why T.Y. Bello’s We are the Future or Fela’s Suffering and Smiling or Sinach’s I know who I am or Omawumi’s If you ask me are songs that never get
old and always speak to everyone – young , old, poor, rich, Christian or Muslim.
Music assaults the brain directly through the ears, so whatever is absorbed
therein, goes into our subconscious and adds up to make our character whatever
it is. This is why you sometimes find yourself singing along to songs you
thought you didn’t know, and why even songs you hate become part of your
existence (that your rascal neighbour that always has it on repeat…) This is why
music therapy is used to treat many conditions that involve the brain. You can
google it if you don’t believe me. It is even used by many pregnant women to
help develop the brain of their children in the womb, because the olfactory
nerves are very sensitive at that stage, and since the child is still in
formation, the music and whatever it says or how it feels becomes his/her

And all you
neighbours with those fake Chinese speakers that make us look like we are shouting at our friends for pouring away our hard-earned pot of obstacle-filled Egusi soup
even though we are just saying, ‘How are you dear?’, I lay a curse upon thy
weapons of mass destruction. May rats consume the wiring inside and out, may
the artwork they leave behind bamboozle all repairers, and may all new ones
disappear mysteriously from the dealers’ shops when you want to buy.
Yours in friendship always,