Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The Alchemist Said…

The Alchemist spoke to me
In the Language of the World, he sang
Foreign speak to my untrained ears
Treacherous words to my lazy, scared heart.
Give all up for the One
This is the only lane of dreams
A pathway each child should follow
A cross God’s child must bear.
I listened to the Alchemist
Because he spoke words I knew
Knowledge I had long ignored
In favour of everything easy and cheap.
I have started to listen again
And my heart can no more be silent
Than sheep can build brick pyramids in the meadow.
It will soar; yes, it can fly
If only I let it beat its long – leaden wings.
But I am scared, tempted to be my own Judas
For the path of dreams demands courage
More courage than I want to give
But I will go; yes I will fly
Because the Alchemist told me I can
And once again, in myself, I believe.